Spring 2025 Alumni Opportunities

College Service Opportunities: February

The Office of Student & Alumni Affairs hears you loud and clear, alumni! As our team connects with more and more of our network one message remains consistent: you want opportunities to give back to the college by serving with us directly. Whether you are interested in serving on a campus committee or participating in alumni panels for new or prospective students, we hear your desire for more opportunities that get you connected to your alma mater in that way. 

To ensure we have as many opportunities like that for you all as possible, the OSAA team is going to spend the month of February exploring what meaningful opportunities for the alumni community to connect may be hiding across campus. Our team will meet with each campus department and explore how we might be able to get you involved! We look forward to sharing the fruits of those conversations with our alumni community!

SOMI Archival Starting Line: March

As our alumni programming kicks off on campus, there will be so many new memories forming for our community. However, the Office of Student & Alumni Affairs needs your help to preserve the rich history of our past graduating classes. In April we want to hear from you, alumni!

Help us get started on building a robust alumni archive full of photos and shared stories of your legacy by sharing your videos, pictures, memories, and other artifacts with our team. Contact Alumni Relations Coordinator, Dayna Scarberry at Dayna_Scarberry@bshsi.org to get started.

Graduate Well Wishes: April

Graduation is just around the corner for our senior students! As they begin thinking about licensure, work orientation, and beginning their carers as new grads, often nerves and jitters begin to surface! Take a moment and share some encouragement and well wishes with our grads-to-be by completing this form We will share your kind words with our graduating students prior to their last day on campus. 


Questions? Contact Dayna Scarberry, Alumni Relations Coordinator at Dayna_Scarberry@bshsi.org 



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